29 June, 2005

Medieval pilgrims - they had it easy

Apart from the wolves, the bandits, people tricking their horses to drink
poisoned water, people stealing their money, etc etc, they had it easy.
Granted they did not have goretex clothing, anathomic backpacks, digital
cameras to record their pilgrimage, or travel insurance. I still think
they had it easier than us.

Why? Well at least they knew why they were going. I can't help think that
the medieval world must have been easier on the spiritual and mental side
than the modern world. Unless you are a devout religious of some
persuassion, everything about the modern world is covered in uncertanties.
Surely this is reflected in the modern pilgrimage. It seems a lot of the
people embarking on it don't know why they are going.

At least I don't expect the Spanish Inquisition, then again nobody does...