12 September, 2005


Might be my "incredibly superior" body, but the Pyrenees was not the hard journey I had expected. The scenery was absolutely wonderful.

Spain is so far proving to be a bit of a challenge. Luckily I have my friends that I met in France with me.

07 September, 2005

The joys of France

Finally the internet again. Not that I have been looking for it much...

The pilgrimage is turning out to be everything I had hoped for. Luckily I still got more kilometres to cover, but not many will be in France.

Over the last weeks I have really come to like France and its people. The friendlieness, politeness and willingness to help have impressed me.

I have lost my underwear, my towel and to top it all - my bankcard. Due to help from people around me, everything has been sorted out. One fellow even drove 2 hours in his car to give me things I had lost.

I hope it will be easier to keep the blog updated in Spain. The Internet seems to be a "chose nouvelle en France"...

Time for another beer, awaiting yet another good dinner in the house of a nice couple here in BĂ©arn. You eat well in France.